Love will always legible
in the pages of the diary
you save deep inside
beautifully engraved message
the deepest
though not explicit
Love will always be heard
In your eyes
singing solemn
in the stillness of the night
the twang melody rainfall
in the depths of the oceans
In your heart
in the rhythm of the waves ripple
although unspoken
in the blue mountain peak
Love will always taste
in sheets of green leaf
in breeze
Here, in this park
in the valleys hamlets
gentle mist-shrouded
even though you were not there
buoyed chimera
By me
The fish in the pond chasing each other
Far, far away in space and time unfolds I saw the flowers sway dancing synchronously in love play and courtship
Merged in beauty
And exuberant singing birds shouted to each other Making out in the branches Full intimacy Merged in beauty And I stunned alone
in the infinite silence
Trying to read the signs of nature and understand the signs of love
you boxed sweetly